Electric & Flame Fireplaces
These are ventless fireplaces that are made in all types of shapes and sizes. You can have contemporary looking fireplaces with brass or silver linings. Some are made of glass or stainless steel. They are portable to any room and they shut off instantly.
You can also have traditional looking fireplaces that are made of wood like mahogany or dark walnut. You can have a marble or stone finish that looks great with just about any decor. So, the electric fireplace has quite a few advantages over the traditional wood burning fireplace.
You don’t have to wait for the fire to go out or try to douse it with water. You can simply shut off the fireplace when you leave the house or go to bed. But, you can leave them on all night too as an extra heating source. You won’t have to worry about any jumping embers setting your house on fire while you are asleep.Do you want to learn more?
Flame Fireplaces
These are actually commonly referred to as ventless fireplaces. But, I wanted to make the distinction because electric fireplaces are also ventless. The reason these are more commonly referred to as ventless is because there is a real flame in the fireplace. But, you don’t need a chimney or any other type of outside vent.
The flame that is burning in the fireplace is a gel fuel that burns into water vapor. It doesn’t cause damage to the house or the environment. It burns very hot even though the FTC won’t allow the companies to actually call it a heating source. These also come in the same designs as electric fireplaces.